Türchen 2: Firegento Advent 2018 – Giving back to the Community


Welcome to another year of the advent calendar. A lot happened this year, and one prominent topic was definitively the acquisition of Magento by Adobe.
But, Magento is more then a Company, it’s a Community. A Community which promotes Magento, contributes to it, and drives the ecosystem. Maybe the Company needs the Community even more, than the Community needs the Company.

You maybe wonder how a Community can be such a valuable asset. It is because the community gives back. Giving back is a core value, which drives most of the existing Open Source projects. And the Magento Community is giving back, a lot. Contributions to the Core, feedback to Magento, Inc. on leading practices based on implementations ( what works and what doesn’t work ), providing free to use Modules, complementary tooling, documentation and tutorials, and public support.
And Magento, the Company, is regularly rewarding the top contributing people as part of the Magento Masters program. This only recognizes a handful of people, compared to the many members of the community making meaningful contributions.

Do you know someone who did a valuable contribution, which was not honored accordingly yet?
This can be Code contributions, or the creation of whole modules. Maybe someone who created a tutorial, documentation or just some nice images. It could also be someone, who you always can go for help, or recommendations. Someone you just want to say “Thank You” to.
Send them via mail, the comments, twitter, or wherever you find me. I will collect them and highlight them latest at the end of our advent calendar this year.

Stories how the contributions or help of someone else was of great help, are also appreciated 😉


PS: you will notice we dont have a Blog Post for every day of Advent this year. And that is ok. Now days we have so many new Blog posts, new Resources, Tutorials each month. The Magento Community Manager Sherrie Rohde even publishes regularly a Community Digest  highlighting some of them. The latest one from 2018.11.26.

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