Welcome to FireGento e.V.

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Magento Enthusiasts United

Our association unites people who share an interest in Magento. We work together to provide benefits for the Magento community. From organising Magento centric events to offering free extensions and trainings, we join forces to make your life with Magento easier.

Founded in Germany, at home in Europe, open to the World

While the majority of our members is from Germany, we are open to anyone interested in participating. FireGento members benefit from special discounts to events in Europe, member-exclusive get-togethers and more.
Join us!

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.

Henry Ford

Join us for a weekend of coding and a great time!

08.02-10.02. in Bremen, Germany
31.05 - 02.06. in Leipzig, Germany

2 Days of Magento talks

Bring your topics & questions and we will set up the agenda right there!
There are currently no upcoming Magento trainings. Are you interested? Let us know!



We need to talk about hackathons.

Magento Enthusiasts United Our association unites people who share an interest in Magento. We work together to...

Advent Calendar - Summary

Magento Enthusiasts United Our association unites people who share an interest in Magento. We work together to...

Türchen 22: How to: Complex product configurator in Magento 2

Magento Enthusiasts United Our association unites people who share an interest in Magento. We work together to...