Recap Meet Magento and Magento Hackathon Switzerland 2014


The 2nd Swiss Magento hackathon took place on October 25 and 26 at UNIC‘s headquarters in Zürich right after the first Meet Magento Switzerland on October 24 and both events were a blast! Over 200 attendees at Meet Magento and 30 at the Magento Hackathon which was a great success for a small country like Switzerland.

Magento Doctors

After their initial appearance at Meet Magento Germany earlier this year, the Magento doctors had a booth at Meet Magento Switzerland, too. For those who don’t know, the Magento doctors are an ongoing initative of the Magento community supported by FireGento e.V. If you like to become a Magento doctor and represent FireGento at Meet Magento event, please get in touch!

Magento Hackathon

Special guest at both events was Ben Marks, Magento developer evangelist at Magento Inc. He gave a great talk about the Magento community and among other great stuff announced the “monthly community report from him to us with love and transparency”. How cool is that!?

At the hackathon Ben went back to the roots writing real Magento code.

Check out more hackathon tweets at the official hash tag #mhzh.

Hackathon Projects

Here’s a list of projects that we have worked on, please leave a comment if it’s not complete:

The hackathon ended Sunday afternoon after which we had a little walk in Zürich with part of the hackathon crew. Thanks to everyone who attended, you all rock!

Please visit the Magento hackathon website for upcoming Magento hackathons. We would love to meet you and write some code together!

Thanks again to all of or sponsors, i.e. diglin, unic, itabs, Monsieur BIZ and Openstream.

If you would like to sponsor one of the upcoming events, please get in touch. You will be featured on the hackathon t-shirt, the hackathon website, on this blog and on FireGento’s Twitter stream. It’s really worth it!

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