Archives December 2017


Türchen 14: The truth about Magento event organization…

If I would ask you to complete the sentence: "The Magento community is…" you will perhaps answer: amazing kind selfless engaged restless funny … And if I would ask you, to name me a few persons of the communtiy you will perhaps say: Jisse Sander Fabian B. Andra MANY MORE! …. (me?) What those people […]


Türchen 13: Docker, docker-compose und andere Abkürzungen

Denken wir ein paar Jahre zurück, dann gab es dort nicht nur einen Weihnachtsartikel zu Docker, sondern auch einen Hype um Buzzwords wie “Dockerize your infrastructure” und ähnlichem. Als Stalker von Docker, seit seinem Beginn, kann ich heute sagen: “Es ist mehr als reif für unsere Branche!”. Dank “docker-compose” und diesen Tricks aus meinem Workflow […]


Türchen 12: You don’t need more traffic to get more sales!

For years, even decades, online retailers have invested massively in SEO, Adwords and online advertising to drive traffic to their stores. However, did you know that out of 100 visitors, only 3 end-up placing an order? Imagine you convert one more of these 10 visits into an actual sales. Mathematically that’s now for orders, a […]


Türchen 11: Avoid more bugs with next level static code analysis

Static code analysis has been around for a while and in the PHP world this is most often synonymous with using PHP_CodeSniffer. It is mostly used to enforce (subtly suggest) using a certain coding style. However coding styles are just that, a style – even if your code is unfashionable, it can still create a correct […]


Türchen 10: Can you be blunt or not?

Blunt: uncompromisingly forthright. But it could also mean undiplomatic. Undiplomatic, like Trump. I personally see myself as being blunt at times. At other times I’m really diplomatic. So I’m nothing like Trump. But still, with all of the noise on #meToo and sexual harassment, the question could be raised whether being blunt is a smart […]


Türchen 9: Scaling The Wall With Chains

Working with e-commerce stores, we deal with a large amount of PII (Personally Identifiable Information) and payment details on a daily basis. Customers are putting their trust in us when they enter their details into our site. Hopefully, we can all agree that security is important. A security breach can be terminal to a business, […]


Türchen 8: What to do with your new created OpenSource module after a hackathon.

Open Source is the base which brought many in the Magento Community together and is one of the many beneficial outputs the Community Hackathons produce nowadays. But what to do with a new project after the Hackathon is over? Luckily the answer is mainly took over by others by either starting to use it, or […]


Türchen 7: Better Blocks: Magento 2 PHP View Models

Magento 2 Blocks Since the very beginning of Magento 1, all server side view layer logic was encapsulated in Block classes. This approach has not changed in Magento 2 (so far). Last week I had the chance to talk to Anton Kril of Magento and he told me I should consider switching to a new […]


Türchen 6: Magento 2 Deployment mit Capistrano

Einen schönen Nikolaustag, euch allen! Ich hoffe der Nikolaus, oder auch Nikolo – wie er in Österreich auch genannt wird – bringt euch heute eine Kleinigkeit. All jenen, die gestern nicht der Krampus geholt hat, darf ich heute meinen Beitrag zum Adventskalender näher bringen: Magento 2 Deployment mit Capistrano. Wer kennt das nicht: Nach Tage/Wochen/Monaten harter […]


Türchen 5: How to install Magento 2 with German (de_DE) backend and frontend

These instructions describe the setup of a German language Magento 2 installation with the necessary settings for sales in Germany. Firstly, a variant of the installation of Magento 2 is described in brief. Following this, the necessary steps for the adaption to Germany by means of the language pack and the extension MageSetup are given […]

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