MUC – Mage Unconference #mageuc15


In May 2013, during the PHPucEU in Berlin, we started to think about an Unconference about Magento on its own. The next year on the PHPucEU,while enjoying the beautiful island of Majorca, we finally decided to do it – and started organizing.

What is an unconf?

In case you don’t know what an unconference is, here’s a short description for you: An unconference is all about people. The content may be everything the participants want to share. We will have the time to discuss all the different topics, chat and enjoy being together. Our goal is to offer an event to exchange experience and knowledge.


We’ll meet in the morning, collect topics you would like to talk about or you want to hear about. Then we might merge, what seems to be similar or equal. After this, voting starts.

Talk schedule

Now three things can happen:

1. A talk is voted, someone can give. That’s wonderful!
2. Even better: A talk, which was merged, is voted for, so you have two or even more experts talking. The beauty is that it even works out if they have different opinions: In that case a panel discussion can take place.
3. A subject was picked were no speaker could be found. Then a team will form which has now 45min to explore a certain subject together. Lots more fun to learn together!

Is this unconference for me? Yes!

We invite you to be part of the first Magento related Unconference taking place in Berlin, Germany on 7th and 8th of March 2015.

2014 Meet Magento Switzerland - Speakers

Join us on the weekend to explore magento from all sides. We would love to have a good mix of merchants, developers, agencies, designers and solution providers, like payment provider, shipping companies, etc. Because we are all part of the magento eco system and we need each other. Every part is important. It is essential that everybody knows, what the other does, what we expect from each other and how communication between all of us is effective, to achieve what we all want:

  • Happy customers
  • Raising revenues
  • Easy to use and good looking shops
  • and maintainable and extendable code

So please spread the word to all of your Magento-related colleagues.

The FireGento e.V. is a community association and not profit oriented. Therefore we are unwilling to take risks. This means in this case: If we don’t have enough attendees at the middle of December we have to cancel this conference. Please buy your ticket therefore soon.

Join us now! Be part of the community!
7th and 8th March 2015 in Berlin



We are still looking for sponsors. So if you want to help us, setting up the first MageUC, drop us an email

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