Category Adventcalendar


Türchen 8: What to do with your new created OpenSource module after a hackathon.

Open Source is the base which brought many in the Magento Community together and is one of the many beneficial outputs the Community Hackathons produce nowadays. But what to do with a new project after the Hackathon is over? Luckily the answer is mainly took over by others by either starting to use it, or […]


Türchen 7: Better Blocks: Magento 2 PHP View Models

Magento 2 Blocks Since the very beginning of Magento 1, all server side view layer logic was encapsulated in Block classes. This approach has not changed in Magento 2 (so far). Last week I had the chance to talk to Anton Kril of Magento and he told me I should consider switching to a new […]


Türchen 5: How to install Magento 2 with German (de_DE) backend and frontend

These instructions describe the setup of a German language Magento 2 installation with the necessary settings for sales in Germany. Firstly, a variant of the installation of Magento 2 is described in brief. Following this, the necessary steps for the adaption to Germany by means of the language pack and the extension MageSetup are given […]


Türchen 3: How an ORM makes data access easy from the outside

Nearly everybody that has a somewhat bigger installation knows this problem: We need to get our product/customer/order/whatever data into this other system  from this other system. How can we do it? For years my first idea was to bring up a Magento Extension that handles this. And then the same data has to go somewhere […]


Türchen 2: Hackathons, organizers point of view

When I started to organize my first hackathon for firegento, I was looking for a checklist, a how-to or a tipps & tricks, like you find them for weddings or festivals, in order to have it a little bit easier and to become confident. And now a couple of hackathons later, I would like to […]


Türchen 1: To earn more money, we need faster shops – Lizards and Pumpkins (?&?)

Every year, we had an adventcalendar on Checkout the posts from the last years 2016, 2014 and 2013. Due to the fact that is a blog by three German developers and this started in the German community, many of the posts are in German. But more and more of the new posts are in English, […]


Meet the Magento Community! Save the Date!

The webguys advent calendar is over, we all survived christmas and we hope the year got off to a good start. Everyone started working again, so it is the right time to continue reading blog posts. We elected a new board and they have already rolled up their sleeves and got going. The result is […]


Der Magento Hackathon in Leipzig 2015

  Am 9. und 10. Mai 2015 war es wieder so weit: 30 motivierte Magento EntwicklerInnen versammelten sich, um am dritten Magento Hackathon in Leipzig (und am vermutlich zehnten FireGento Hackathon in Deutschland – soweit die historischen Dokumente reichen) teilzunehmen. Ort des Geschehens war der Keller des SPIZZ in Leipzig. Dieser Ort, an dem sonst […]


MageUnconference World Premiere in Berlin

It started off as an idea and has now become a reality: the first MageUnconference, an unconference for the Magento community. In contrast to other tech or ecommerce events, an unconference has no fixed talks in advance. It’s not so much about the agenda Everything the attendees of this first MageUnconference knew before their arrival […]


Recap Meet Magento and Magento Hackathon Switzerland 2014

The 2nd Swiss Magento hackathon took place on October 25 and 26 at UNIC‘s headquarters in Zürich right after the first Meet Magento Switzerland on October 24 and both events were a blast! Over 200 attendees at Meet Magento and 30 at the Magento Hackathon which was a great success for a small country like Switzerland. […]

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